Know Your Gizmo

Know Your Gizmo

Know Your Gizmo is a program that runs over a few weeksgizmo4 where you will learn to use your electronic device to its full capacity.  You can bring along your iPod, camera, smart phone, laptop – any Gizmo you would like to learn more about. Sessions will be one hour face to face with a volunteer student from a local high school.

Interact online with your children, grandchildren and friends. Learn how to upload and download photos, make a Facebook account. Get the most from your smart phone and ensure your GPS gets you to your holiday destination.


The Know Your Gizmo program was developed by the Albury Wodonga Volunteer Resource Bureau, with a grant from:

Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN)

This program has now been rolled out across many local schools with wonderful results from both students and participants.

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The project resources are now available across NSW with support from the Department of Family and Community Services. Download the resource materials here.

All photographs are the property of Albury Wodonga Volunteer Resource Bureau

Check out the link below to the Wodonga Senior Secondary College’s video about the success of the student’s participating in the Know Your Gizmo program that was held at their school over the past few months. Know Your Gizmo

For more information regarding the Know Your Gizmo program please contact Wade Leonard on 0481 463 663 or email him at